RTS is an experienced, independent, company based in Rome, Italy, that provides radiation measuring equipment and radiological monitoring systems to nuclear, research and environmental customers worldwide.
Monitoring of Radioactive particulates in air.
RAM-01, RAM-31 and RAM-TF belong to the family of RTS air monitors, along with CAM/CCAM units, and other models, all employing advanced and well-tested technologies.
Monitoring of gamma radiation
The RTS LCU-05 (wall), LCU-05M (wall compact), LCU-05R (rack) and LPU-05G Gamma Monitoring Units are modern multiprocessor-based radiation monitors.
Monitoring of Radioactive contamination of gases and liquids
RTS provides customers with other instrumental devices, systems and tools for the detection, measurement and monitoring of radioactive contamination in gases and liquids.
Portable air monitors
RTS CAM / CCAM family includes compact and smart and portable Radioactive Aerosol Monitoring Instruments dedicated to sample and measure the radioactive contamination in air
Environmental Radiation Monitoring Systems
The Aerosol Monitors are suited to detect and measure the radioactive contamination of air due to solid radioisotopes (alpha, beta or gamma emitters) attached to particulates suspended in air. This kind of measurement is necessary to prevent and/or evaluate inhaled radioactive aerosols by working personnel and population.
When the aerosol monitors are provided with a gamma measuring head, they are able to detect elemental iodine, attached to particles, but are practically insensitive to gaseous radioactive iodine. The Iodine Monitors, by means of a trapping cartridge, are able to detect and measure also that one.
Usually this refers to radioactive isotopes of noble gases, but may also concern radioactive isotopes of other gases. This is another type of radioactive contamination of air, not due to particulates. The task is to detect and measure this contamination and, eventually, identify the radioisotopes.
Usually this refers to water, but may also concern other liquids. The task is to detect and measure the radioactive contamination of water and, eventually, identify the radioisotopes.
In this context this refers to Gamma Dose-rate Monitoring. The usual task is to detect, measure and time integrate the dose intensity of gamma radiation diffused in the environment, indoor or outdoor, of natural (background) as well as artificial origin, or also due to ‘gamma sources’ in the vicinity.
Beside the main families of radiological monitoring systems described above, RTS provides customers with other instrumental devices, systems and tools for the detection, measurement and monitoring of radiations.
PROJECT: IRMA - Innovative Radiation Monitor for containers at port customs gates.
“Some of our products...”
Via Adriano Olivetti 24/26 - Tecnopolo Tiburtino - 00131 Roma – Italy
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Via Adriano Olivetti 24/26 - Tecnopolo Tiburtino - 00131 Roma – Italy